Beautytipsmishthi blogger: Vitamins and minerals are important elements to enhance beauty

Saturday, July 18, 2020

Vitamins and minerals are important elements to enhance beauty

Vitamins and minerals are very beneficial for the body, but their quantity is very less in the routine diet. Will happen and diseases will soon surround us.

How to make your diet rich in vitamins and minerals or what to eat so that you can get them in sufficient quantity. It is very important to know this for good health.

Vitamins and minerals are important elements to enhance beauty, eating foods images

So let's discuss about all these.


All mineral salts dissolve in mineral water. That's why it is necessary. Take raw green vegetables and fresh fruit juice. So that the body can get the necessary mineral salts in sufficient quantity.Throwing water after washing or boiling the vegetable washes away all the salts in the water. Take special care of these things. Hope you are well aware of all these.

So let us know about vitamins and Minerals why it is important for our beauty.
Is :-

1. Diet for Vitamin-A should include milk, butter, egg, green vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, papaya mangoes, apricots, fish cashews, almonds, walnuts.By including all these things in the diet everyday, our health will also be good. And by using them our beauty will also increase.

2. Include beetroot peels, green vegetable peels, carrot peels, soybeans, yeast, sprouted grains, egg yolk, cheese, peanuts, meat, etc. in your diet for vitamin-B complex.

3. Include yeast, sprouted grains, spinach, onion, carrot, potato orange, milk, cheese etc. in your diet for folic acid.If we use all these things in our diet, then we get plenty of vitamins and iron from them and also help us in maintaining our beauty.

4. Vitamin-C is found in lemon, gooseberry, orange, guava, sprouted grains, green leafy greens, beetroot, papaya, tomato, bitter gourd, green chillies, turnip etc. Vitamin-C of gooseberry never hurts.If we use dried gooseberry in our diet, then we can take advantage of that too.All these food items are very beneficial not only for our body but also for our hair and also make the face glowing, so use all these in your diet.

5. The best source of Vitamin D is sunlight. It is fulfilled by consuming incense of the open body daily.
We can also get vitamin D from foods that are in it. We can get vitamin D from fish oil, milk, butter, eggs, etc.


6. Vitamin E is found in wheat germ, soybean, binola, coconut oil, it is found in sprouted grains, ghee, fresh butter, tomatoes, grapes, dry fruits, carrots etc.

7. Vitamin-K, we get it from green vegetables like cabbage, butter, egg yolk, potato, soybean and tomato, it is also found in small amounts.From these also we can get small amounts of Vitamin K, this is also necessary to maintain our beauty.

8. We get calcium from milk, spinach, fenugreek, chalai, soyabean, dry fruits, amla, carrot, egg and paneer.

9. Phosphorus is high in yeast and bran flour, hand pounded rice and soyabean. It is also found in some quantity in sesame, gram, groundnut, carrot, green vegetables, pulses and dry fruits.
Orange, seasonal, lemon etc. fruits are also good sources of it.

Here we have come to know from which foods we get vitamins, so now let us also discuss about minerals so that you can take help in enhancing your beauty.


Vitamins and minerals are important elements to enhance beauty, vitamins and minerals food images

1. Zinc (aluminum) is especially found in wheat bran and wheat sprouts, which is very helpful for us.

2. Iron (Iron) is found in all types of greens, coriander leaves, mint leaves, bran, rice bran, peels of pulses, dry fruits, it is also found in Phalse, apple, beetroot, brinjal, black sesame


3. Manganese and sulfur are found in wheat sprouts, paneer, lentils, bean pods, peanuts, egg yolk, green vegetables, pulses, almonds etc.

4. Potassium is found in cereals, pulses, all root vegetables, milk, curd, buttermilk, paneer, egg, soybean etc.

5. Iodine is found in cheese, milk, egg, walnut, carrot, tomato, potato, chicken etc.


6. Magnesium is found in cheese, milk, eggs, walnuts, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, chicken, etc.


7. All mineral salts and minerals dissolve in water, so it is necessary to take green vegetables raw and fresh fruit juice so that the body can get the necessary mineral salts in sufficient quantity. All the salts get washed away in water, take special care of these things.

8. Chlorine is found in sufficient quantity in spinach, lettuce leaves, cabbage, cucumber, tomato, banana, dates etc.

9. Copper is found in green vegetables, bananas, oranges, vegetables

They should be careful about consuming certain food items in order to stay healthy. In this article, we are telling about the need of vitamins and minerals for women according to their age, which is very important for them to know.

So let's know which vitamins and minerals women need with age.

Women below 25 years of age


Calcium plays the most important role in strengthening the bones, muscles and development of the nervous system. These minerals are essential for the proper development of the body.

Building bone density is important in childhood and in our 20s because we may face bone loss as we age. Dairy products, soy, fish are some of the best sources of calcium. We need 1000 mg of calcium a day.

vitamin D

You need vitamin D to absorb calcium. Without this nutrient, it becomes difficult to absorb adequate amounts of calcium.

Sun is the biggest source of Vitamin D. Apart from this, okra, salmon, cereals are some other food products that contain vitamin D. You need 600 IU of vitamin D a day.


At this age, when menstruation begins in women, there is a deficiency of iron in many parts of their body. Even pregnant women need iron to maintain healthy red blood cells levels in the body.

Iron deficiency is quite common in menstruating women and often leads to weakness and weakness. Meat, fish, spinach, pumpkin seeds and pomegranates are the best sources of iron. Women need 18mg of iron a day.

Essential vitamins and minerals for women aged 25 to 40

Folate or folic acid is responsible for the formation of DNA, RNA and is the building block of cells. It is especially important for pregnant women as it helps prevent birth defects such as spina bifida in newborns.

Citrus fruits, kidney beans, eggs and legumes should be a part of the regular diet of women in this age group. Pregnant women need 600 mcg of folate a day and lactating women need 500 mcg of folate.


Iodine is another important mineral needed for the healthy development of the child's body. This prevents any abnormal development in the baby's brain.

Since women in this age group are more likely to become pregnant, an adequate intake of iodine is essential for them. The daily allowance for iodine for women is 150 mcg.

In addition, iron is also an essential mineral for women in this age group. Women in the age group of 25 to 50 need 18 milligrams of iron daily and pregnant women need 27 milligrams of iron daily.

Essential vitamins and minerals for women 40 years and older

Calcium and Vitamin D

Bone loss is common in old age, so consuming calcium and vitamins is essential to prevent fractures and injuries.

Adequate intake of both calcium and vitamin D should be taken to prevent problems related to bones and muscles. At this age, women should take 1200 mg of calcium and 600 IU of vitamin D in a day.

vitamins B-6 and B-12

Women in this age group need more B vitamins than women in any other age group. The vitamin is essential for essential immunity and is responsible for the activation of over 100 enzymes.

Green vegetables, milk, fish should be a part of the diet at this age. Women over 40 need 2.4 mcg of vitamin B-12 and 1.3 mcg of B-16.

Hope all of you will be greatly benefited from this information given by me. You must have liked all these tips. You will use all of them in your diet. and keep your beauty. If you all have liked this article of mine, then do give your suggestion. Thank you......

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